
Earning XP and Reputation

You can earn XP and reputation simply by completing jobs and registering successful flights.

The XP and reputation earned for completing jobs is displayed as one of the columns in any of the Logistics Center tabs.

Level Missions grant a greater amount of XP and will be the main way to gain XP at the start.

Sightseeing jobs and Fighter tours also grant an increased amount of XP and reputation.

Other job types (Cargo, Passenger, Dangerous cargo, Fragile Cargo, etc.) will grant only a relatively small amount of XP and have no inherent reputation boost, however you will still gain XP and Reputation based on the overall distance flown.

AI Flights will not grant any XP, but can still impact your reputation. The amount of impact depends on the AI crew’s average skill level.

Your company reputation is taken into account, having an AI crew that have a lower average skill level than your overall company reputation will cause reputation losses, but having a highly skilled AI crew that averages out above your current company reputation will cause reputation increases on each and every flight they perform.

For example: If your company reputation is 50% overall, and your AI crew have an average skill of 65%, your company reputation will continue to increase for each flight they perform until it also matches the 65%. If your reputation is 80% but the crew used is 65%, your reputation will slowly decrease for every flight they perform until it again matches the 65%.

You can always improve the skill level of your AI crew by performing training (See Section 6.3 – Training).

In-Sim flights performed by you will also grant XP and reputation based on the distance between your departure and arrival airports.

You can gain bonuses to these by enabling Realistic Procedures in the Simulator from the Settings Menu, Global Settings. A breakdown of the rules for realistic procedures are available in the next section (See Section 3.6 – Realistic Procedures).

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