

Searching for jobs in OnAir can be a little overwhelming at first. It is recommended that you review the “First Flight” section of the handbook if this is your very first time using OnAir, as this section is designed to go into deeper detail for finding subsequent jobs.

Jobs can be found by accessing the Global Logistics market, this can be found from the menu (World → Find Jobs), by pressing the shortcut key (Alt + J) or by using the quick access icon at the top of the screen:

Once at the Logistics Centre you should be presented with this screen:

There is quite an array of options available here, though some can be automatically set for you by using the ‘Filters Preset’ option to indicate which plane you are aiming to use. Otherwise a summary of each option follows:

Along the top of the query options you have 4 potential groups of jobs that you can be searching for; Pax/Cargo, Sightseeing, Rescue or Fighter (Jobs intended to be done in a fighter aircraft).

When you are searching under Pax/Cargo jobs there are the following additional options:

Airport – This is a box to indicate the relevant airport via typing an ICAO identifier into the box or using the small “+” sign to the right to open the search dialog to find an airport. It may be automatically set if you reach the screen via the shortcuts displayed on an airport details page, next to an aircraft in your aircraft list or in the small airport information screen displayed when clicking an airport icon on maps.

Direction – This drop down box contains 3 options that control the “direction” of the search in relation to the Airport indicated. From implies that your specified airport is the origin of the job, To implies that it is the destination airport and Specific Airport will reveal an additional box so that you can search both origin and destination.

Range – This is available only when From or To have been specified in the “direction”. You may set any minimum (from) and maximum (to) range you desire. It should be noted that larger jobs will only generate in higher range bands, so you are unlikely to find airliner sized jobs that only go less than 500 nautical miles.

Total Weight Min & Max – These two boxes take a weight in lbs (Pounds) and re‐strict the returned jobs to only have payload weights between these two values.

Passengers Min & Max – Much like total weight, except counting the number of passengers that can be involved in the job.

Airport Min Size – In OnAir, airports are classified depending on their runway length. Unfortunately the data sources (The simulators) do not give dependable information on airport type and function however you should be able to infer the correct minimum value for this based on your aircraft details (which will give a minimum airport requirement). That does not mean you cannot attempt the job to an undersized airport but caution should be taken. Typically you can consider size 0 airports to be farm strips and extreme bush airports. Size 1 and 2 are still smaller but have increasing runway length and may contain hard surfaces. Size 3 should be a good minimum value for narrow body jet airliners (e.g. the Airbus A320 or Boeing 737) as these are typically at least “Regional” airports. By size 4 all but the largest aircraft should be able to safely land, as these airports are usually small to mid-sized international airports and finally Size 5 are those with the largest runways and are most likely to be major international airports, capable of handling any class of aircraft.

Search surrounding Airports – Enabling this checkbox will allow OnAir to consider not just the airport you indicated but any other airfields in a short distance around. This can be especially useful if you cannot find an appropriate job at your current airport or are looking to optimise your overall profit per mile since it can sometimes be more economical to take a small or empty hop to the high paying job just a few miles away.

Hide Unavailable jobs – Enabling this setting will prevent the query from showing you any jobs that your company currently does not have the required skills unlocked for.

Exclude Time Constrained Jobs – This one will prevent any jobs with a time constraint, that is to say ones that have a specific START time as well as a deadline for delivery from appearing.

Exclude Military Airports – As mentioned in Airport size, the simulators do not give reliable information on airport types but enabling this will tell OnAir to ignore any jobs that include known military fields. Sadly we cannot guarantee that some may creep into the results currently but hopefully better data sources will become available over time to help isolate these.

Exclude Airports without lights – Much like the military airports, enabling this tells OnAir to try to exclude any airports known to have no night-time capabilities, but you should try to be aware that data is incomplete in these circumstances, so there is still a chance that airports without appropriate lighting will be returned in the results.

Any time you adjust these values you should press the “Query Logistics Center” button located in the top-right to have OnAir refresh the listing based on your chosen values. See the next page for information on how to narrow your results even further using the filter options.

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