First stage of the Job and aircraft balancing is online.

Hi everyone,

As planned we deployed the first stage of the global Job rewards and aircraft usage cost balancing.

So far, the aircraft pricing has been strongly based on fuel capacity and fuel consumption. While this does work in many cases, we found that it wasn’t the most comprehensive and balanced method of doing it. Exact details are still being determined but after the balance update, rental and ownership costs will be based on the potential profit that each aircraft can make. The main factors to determine the pricing are going to be: Max Cargo Load and Aircraft Speed.

In addition to aircraft pricing, the job rewards are also being adjusted. The general method for calculating job rewards will be based on the ratio of “Cargo Revenue per Pound per NM” with longer distance jobs having a smaller ratio, but sill being profitable. This will reduce the rewards of multi-million credit jobs but because the aircraft pricing is also being adjusted, an overall fair balance will be created going forward.

After internal testing with different scenarios, the balancing update has been published on the current World today. It will also be included in the new Survival World with any additional balancing adjustments, if needed.

Thank you for your patience as we work on this!

We are gathering feedback and will make several hotfixes until we get a good compromise for everyone.

We will go back to an equivalent of the former mechanism on the current world (deployed in a hotfix today

We will start the survival beta world sooner (mid February) and report all balance tests to the survival world, so there will be no impact on the current world.