New Industry Production Chains

We included new production chains for Batteries, Opticals, Lumbers and Travel Tokens.

Here is the complete list of the current productions chains:

Productions Chains PDF

Fishing Camps

Food Rations

Mining Facilities

Electronic Components




The logging camp need to be installed on any forest basecamp.

The basecamp terrain is indicated by the color rectangles in the Basecamp Manage window:

We use Google Api to determine if there is vegetation or not.

Travel Tokens Production

This is a special “magical” item that allows players to teleport themselves and their aircraft to any location in the world.

This item can, of course, be sold in the trading hall as any other trading good.

Factories Food Ration behavior

There is no longer Food Ration containers in each factory. The Food Rations are directly taken from the airport and distributed to every factory when needed.

The available Food Rations are now displayed at the top of the Factory page:

Note that hangar fees are not applied to the Food Rations.

Industries Beta Phase

We plan to end the beta phase soon as we estimate that the underlying infrastructure is working well. Of course, we will keep adding production chains in future updates.

If you feel that there are important missing features of issues in the industries, please submit your feedback in a ticket.

Submitting Good Demands

You can now submit any goods demand on the trading hall.

You set the quantity, price and destination airport or basecamp.

Your demands will be added to the Trading Hall to the Demand tab for other players to bring you specified goods.

You are charged immediately for the demand total value. You can cancel the demand at any moment and be refunded.

Note that Contracts signed by other players are not canceled when the demand is canceled.

Other Changes

What’s next

We keep focussing on the work orders feature feedback we got in the past months.

We opened a separate channel in our Discord to get your feedback on the current Workorders.